Today my dear friend Michelle died of breast cancer. She valiantly fought her disease for five and half years. I will miss her immensely. She helped me transition to life back in the United States. She was my walking partner. She shared dreams and ideas with me. She took me to religion and yoga class with her. She was one of my three book group buddies. She loved our sauna. She let me practice massage on her every week. She taught me how to be a better therapist. She had the hairdo (bald) that I have never dared to have, but always wanted. She remembered my birthday every year. But more than anything, she was an inspiration to me to be my best and live life to its fullest.
Total Hours of Official |
At the end of the year many of us are trying to use this year's unused healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars before we loose them, and are also signing up for next year's election. Did you know that massage therapy might be eligible for FSA reimbursement? Depending on your particular plan, your massage may be covered if you have a doctor’s note or prescription for massage therapy to treat a particular ailment. Check with the administrator of your FSA to find out if you qualify.
Savings Explained
Testimonial from a Cancer Survivor
-Michelle W. (Oct 2014) Died 30 January 2015 - a great loss
Breast Reconstruction - Scar Tissue
Not only are scars aesthetically unpleasant and cannot be made to disappear, scars can cause a restriction or decrease in movement, and potentially even affect internal organs.
I have been amazed at how quickly many scars have responded to massage and clients have found relief from the tightness and discomfort.
Emails from a Client
Recently a client visited me who had been diagnosed with piriformis syndrome. She had suffered from it for eight years and had given up running every day and sometimes still had pain as she walked. The pain often interrupted her sleep. I massaged her twice and following are a few emails that she sent to me about how wonderful she felt afterwards. She has given me permission to share them. (I bolded parts of her letters which highlight the benefits of massage.)
Letter from a Client
Thank you so much for all you have done for me. . . . Here's my story:
My condition is trigeminal neuralgia. I've had it on and off since 2009, but in June of 2014 it became constant and unbearable. We didn't know what it was until June. I had gotten a root canal last year unnecessarily, which obviously did nothing for the pain.
All of June was spent pretty much not talking or moving, eating, smiling, nor laughing. They all caused intense pain. I was still under the impression that my body could heal itself and God would help.
I had taken Tegretol on and off and that seemed to squelch the pain and work for up to 24 hrs. The morning I went to see you was very excruciating. So much so, that I took 2 tegretols. 400mg.
After surgery, massage therapists provide touch in a painless way. During surgery our bodies have been subjected to trauma and pain. Through massage we let the body have pleasure sensation in addition to healing benefits.
Massage is a way to "reboot" the body through relaxation. Sleep is when we produce growth hormone which is what we need in healing our body. Massage helps put the body in a state of self-healing.
Blog about Therapeutic Massage
Heidi M. Johnson
I graduated from Myotherapy College of Utah and hope to work with you to alleviate pain, increase your range of motion, help recover from surgery, and promote your general good health.
Back Pain
Boost Immune System
CranioSacral Therapy (CST)
Fascia (Connective Tissue)
Heart Health
Infant Massage
Pain Relief
Piriformis Syndrome
Range Of Motion
Sleep Better
Spinal Touch
Stress Relief
March 2020
March 2019
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
June 2018
April 2018
October 2017
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April 2015
February 2015
January 2015
December 2014
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October 2014
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June 2014
May 2014