I make my own lotion with only the best ingredients.
I will customize your massage by including any of the following techniques:
I will customize your massage by including any of the following techniques:
Myofascial ReleaseA particularly effective technique for loosening scar tissue and fascia, increasing range of motion, and relieving chronic pain from old injuries or surgeries. It can be aggressive, yet also very gentle and a good option for those suffering from fibromylagia, lupus, and other painful conditions. The therapist uses sustained pressure on the fascia.
Swedish MassageSpecifically designed to relax muscles. It increases the oxygen flow in the blood and helps to hydrate the muscles. It helps to shorten recovery time from muscular strain. It is the usual full-body massage that most people think of. It is very relaxing yet also has therapeutic benefits. The therapist often uses lotion or oil and uses many long, flowing strokes.
ShiatsuA Japanese word meaning "finger pressure." This massage stimulates the oriental meridians of the body, thus improving circulation, muscle tone, posture, and internal organ functions. The client remains fully clothed as the therapist will move you through some range of motion during the massage.
Trigger PointThis type of therapy targets the sore, tight spots in muscles called trigger points. These trigger points can cause the whole muscle to be tight and painful and also refer pain to other areas in the body. The therapist uses specific compression techniques which allow the trigger points to release.
Thai MassageUses stretching and compression. It is traditionally done on a mat on the floor (however, due to space restriction, I perform it on my table). The therapist uses not just her hands, but also feet, forearms, knees, and elbows. It reduces deep muscle tension and increases flexibility and joint mobility. The client remains fully clothed as the therapist will put you in a variety of stretches during the massage.
Thai Foot MassageA luxurious hour spent on your feet and lower legs! It is relaxing and brings balance to the body. The massage is usually give fully clothed, but the client must be able to expose the leg up to the knee. The client can sit in a chair or lie on the table, whichever is most comfortable. The therapist uses not only her hands, thumbs, and knuckles, but also a rounded wooden stick.
ReikiAn ancient Japanese form of light-touch energy work.
Manual Lymphatic DrainageHighly effective in stimulating the lymphatic system. Reduces swelling and clears toxins from the body. Recommended before and after surgery. It is a very light touch.
Positional ReleasePositional Release Therapy (PRT) also known by its parent term, Strain Counterstrain, is a form manual therapy that resolves pain and somatic dysfunction. Through positioning the body and tissues in positions of comfort, the neurological system can be manipulated to interrupt the pain spasm cycle and over time, to reset the resting length of tissue in a "normal" range, which promotes a reduction in pain, increase in strength, range of motion, performance and function. Essentially, PRT is the opposite of stretching. Much like unkinking a knot from a chain necklace, PRT works in the same fashion; tissues are pushed together, twisted, compressed and manipulated to take tension off vessels and nerves. The therapy is pain-free and is suited for all ages and most painful conditions and only requires the hands. The primary goal of PRT is to promote a positive healing environment by correcting musculoskeletal and neurological imbalances to facilitate tissue regeneration, growth, and repair in order for the body to self-correct itself.
Visceral Manipulation"Viscera" relates to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. Visceral Manipulation is a gentle manual therapy that aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. Visceral Manipulation, or VM, does not focus solely on the site of pain or dysfunction, but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem.
Spinal TouchA soft tissue, non-force system to correct postural distortions and improve internal organ functions. It is light touch.
CranioSacral TherapyHelps remove restrictions in the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. The patient is fully clothed and the practitioner applies gentle pressure to the head, neck, torso, legs and feet. Excellent for headache relief.
ReflexologyPressure is applied to the feet or hands to promote general good health. The theory is that there are "reflex" areas on the feet and hands that correspond to specific organs, glands, and other parts of the body. Those points are stimulated during the treatment.
AcutherapyHighly-relaxing soft-touch technique to help release tension and promote healing in stressed muscle tissues.
My Massage Table |

I make my own lotion because:
- I can use the best-quality ingredients - and the results are nutrition for the skin!
- I know exactly what I put into it, and all of the ingredients are safe and non-toxic.
- I can custom-make the lotion, depending on the need.
- I can make it unscented (always my massage lotion) or add a few drops of essential oils to personalize the lotion.
I have many essential oils and can use ones that benefit you.