<![CDATA[Renewal Massage Clinic - Blog]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 07:46:17 -0600Weebly<![CDATA[Posture]]>Thu, 19 Mar 2020 15:48:26 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/posture
I am ready to move! After being sick for a week and not having energy to do much, my body feels stuck. My back is starting to hurt. My limbs are stiff. A slow walk in the rain may be just the thing this body and soul need.

Even when I feel better, we are recommended to not give massages for a few weeks to help flatten the curve. So, it is time to learn family and self massage, and keep moving!
<![CDATA[Social Distancing]]>Thu, 19 Mar 2020 14:20:55 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/social-distancingThe morning I woke up sick, my husband followed recommendations - he stayed home and kept 6 feet from me. That lasted through breakfast. We had been sharing a bed while I was incubating, so who were we kidding that he wasn't already exposed? A few hours later he had mild symptoms.
To slow the virus spread, we need to social distance, but as a massage therapist, I know of the need for healthy human touch. People come to me for relief from pain, but a few admittedly come because they live alone and otherwise have no touch. There is a balance. We cannot become so afraid of each other that we avoid contact - when we are healthy. We will continue to self-isolate and I will not see any clients until we are the recommended 72 hours symptom-free.

Hopefully I will soon be able to resume my massage work and provide needed relief from pain and from the increasing stress that we are all feeling. Although we are social distancing, at least we have the technology to remain in touch. May we let this time teach us that we really DO need human contact and not let us become more distanced.
<![CDATA[Testimonials - Miracle of Touch]]>Sat, 16 Mar 2019 07:00:00 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/testimonials-miracle-of-touchI am always amazed at the miracle of touch. I never know if what I am doing will make a difference, so it is always nice to receive feedback that I helped to reduce pain. As a massage therapist, I don't do anything "magic" - I simply help the body into the parasympathetic mode, or into a state of relaxation, and the body can begin to heal itself.
One regular client said that he considered me one of his healthcare providers - along with his doctors, physical therapists, and other providers. That was one of the best compliments I have ever received! I would love to work together with other helathcare practitioners in meeting your needs. -Heidi

Testimonials from Clients

"I began therapy with Heidi about two months ago, and I have seen good improvement in my flexibility and circulation. I've broken the seventy-year-old barrier and my muscles and joints have gotten stiff and sore from injury and over-use, plus the circulation isn't as efficient as it once was. Heidi has done a lot to improve my overall well-being and lift my spirits in general. She's easy to talk with, listens closely and thinks before speaking. I've worked with several massage therapists for health reasons over the years; my profession was a very physically demanding one and I incurred much injury and tissue damage before retiring. 

Heidi continually adds to her knowledge database, uses her books and the Internet to learn about specific issues pertaining to her clients, is one of the more knowledgeable therapists I've found and is my favorite. I'm sincere when I say I am grateful to her for her innate need to understand the human body, her (ongoing) help, her ability to communicate on a deeper level and her compassion. These are the things I find important in a medical professional, and that is where she excels  Thanks, Heidi!"
-Jim M. (March 2019)
"My experience at Renewal Massage Clinic has been such a blessing as I was recuperating from chronic sciatica and hip bursitis. I had been seeing a physical therapist and was released from his care with a slight amount of relief from pain. Heidi was successful with doing positional release in the area along with her healing touch massage over several months of therapy. Now, free from pain, I feel like I have my life back again and will be forever grateful to her and her knowledge and expertise." 
-Janeen S. (Feb. 2019)
"The opportunity to have Heidi work on my sports induced issues was helpful. She has a calming and reassuring disposition that makes the process smooth. Being afraid she took the time to explain what was happening with my body and how I could assist in the healing process as she massaged, found pressure points and moved the legs and back. I am hoping for a return appointment."
-Stephanie P. (Aug. 2018)
"Heidi came to my  rescue last Friday. . . . I was awakened by severe back pain. . . I received no help from my physician and was left to experience continued severe pain over the weekend. I decided to call Heidi . . . . [She] had family visiting . . . . [yet] was very empathetic and responsive to my needs. . . . She massaged my back for only about 15 minutes.I experienced almost instant pain relief.  I went home from the massage and fell asleep. The pain was gone and hasn’t returned. . . . She is a hero health care provider.
-Russ H. (June 2018) Read the complete testimonial
Below are more testimonials from clients, listed by the type of massage they received - Myofascial Release, Manual Lymph Drainage, Spinal Touch, Shiatsu, Swedish, Thai, or Cranio-Sacral.

Myofascial Release

"I slept with ZERO shoulder pain last night. I think it's the best I've slept in weeks!! Usually wake up several times to sharp pain and aching with numbness in hands and fingers. It's gone. Boom!!! Supah powers!!!"
-Kristi C (March 2017 after Myofascial Release on the shoulder joint)
"I have gone to Heidi many times to receive help with my knee that had ACL and meniscus surgery as well as for occasional migraines. She is very knowledgeable professional and competent and I felt relief from pain in both my knee and migraines when I was treated. I also saw an increase in range of motion in my knee. I believe that by going to Heidi I was able to heal quicker which allowed me to participate more fully in activities."
-Dallin H (Nov. 2016 after many Myofascial Release and Cranio-Sacral sessions)
“I had ACL surgery on both my knees (33 & 24 years ago) and have since suffered from chronic pain and reduced range of motion. I am pleased at how quickly my knees responded to the massages I received.  The increased range of motion and the decreased amount of pain has been excellent.” 
-Darin H. (May 2014)
“For years I have been plagued by symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome: pain, burning sensations and numbness in my hands and fingers. Heidi began treating me with massage and after one treatment the improvement was incredible. After three treatments I am now pain free and have no numbness or tingling in my hands and fingers.” 
-Michele W. (May 2014)

Manual Lymph Drainage

"I am a breast cancer survivor. During this past year I have been receiving . . . massage therapy from Heidi! She gives me a Lymph massage the day before I have the chemo infusion. This activates my lymph system and has helped move the chemo toxins out of my body. . . . Heidi is very intuitive to what kind of massage will benefit me and areas of the body that need attention and the amount of pressure needed. . . . Heidi listens to my concerns and allows me to help guide the course of massage for healing. . . ."
-Michelle W. (Oct 2014)
Read Michelle's full story
Michelle is a dear friend who fought breast cancer for five and half years. While I was in school, she allowed me to practice everything on her. Together we learned what helped her feel better. She provided me with much feedback and invaluable advise. She was one of my most staunch supporters as I studied and learned. I will miss her immensely. She passed away on 30 January 2015.
"Heidi performed lymph massage on my daughter after a root canal gone bad. She had excessive swelling and pain - her symptoms were markedly reduced and her recovery time decreased after her massage with Heidi!!"
-Janeal I. (July 2014)

Targeted Pain-Relief Massage

"I love your massages and appreciate you being attentive to my needs and injuries. You have helped release tight muscles in my back and other areas, given me more mobility and range of motion, and helped relieve stress. Thanks for all of the helpful tips and for sharing your amazing skills!"
Lisa S. (Feb. 2018)
"Heidi is awesome.  She was very attentive to my particular needs coming into the massage and I felt a lot better afterward."
​-Farrel E. (May 2017 after neck massage)
"As a retired healthcare provider, I am very picky and take great care in selecting those who provide me healthcare.  I experience lower back pain and tight hamstrings and SI joints from serving a labor intensive service mission.  Heidi’s personal care and expertise completely relives the pain and discomfort allowing me to function normally and continue to serve.  She helps me maintain my health and the lifestyle I desire.  I have the greatest confidence in her and her work."
-Russ H. (March 2017)
"First off I have to thank you again! I can't believe the difference in how my legs feel. Does it make sense if I say my legs feel relaxed? . . . I definitely slept better last night and this morning when I woke up I wasn't stiff. . . . Right now I don't even have a hint of pain which really makes me happy. . . "
-Becky M. (Oct 2014) 
Read more of Becky's experiences

"I need to thank you again for being my miracle worker! I can't believe how much better my neck feels! There's still a tiny bit of stiffness on the right side but not very much and it isn't painful. There's no pain down my arm so it seems like the pinched nerve issue has been resolved. Yay! It's amazing to me how much movement I have on both sides of my neck. I haven't been able to move this well for a long time! I definitely should have come to see you sooner!"
-Becky M. -again! (Oct 2016)

Spinal Touch


"I was going to text you earlier today and tell you how amazing my lower back was feeling. I haven't felt this great in a long time. Usually I am so uncomfortable and in a lot of pain throughout my day. I've been able to enjoy my weekend without having any back pain."
-Stephanie J. (Jan. 2015)
"Heidi worked on me after I was experiencing trigeminal neuralgia for almost a month of straight pain. . . . after leaving her clinic, the pain was gone and didn't return. . . . THANK YOU SO MUCH for my PAIN FREE living!"
-Melissa O. (Oct 2014 after receiving Shiatsu and CranioSacral Therapy)
Read Melissa's full story
"I can put my pants on WITHOUT pain! I have had chronic lower back pain for years. The pain has limited my activities. I was a little nervous to receive massages and skeptical of the benefits. I noticed a reduced amount of pain after the first massage. Now after several months, the pain is almost gone and I am able to do activities that I enjoy doing!" 
- Hans M. (May 2014 after receiving Spinal Touch, Myofascial Release, and Cryotherapy)

Swedish Massage

"Heidi is one of the most knowledgeable massage therapists I've been to, and I've been to a lot. Her holistic approach is ideal for people with chronic pain and injuries, as she's gone more than the extra mile to learn her craft."
-Kim T. (July 2016)
“Heidi has worked to find the best methods to assist me with my neck, lower back and right hip. Not only has it provided relief physically but it relaxes my psyche too! She is professional and very dedicated to her work. She will take extra time to be sure that she has addressed all of the areas of my body that need work.” 
-Shannon C. (May 2014)
"Heidi is so amazing! I am 8 months pregnant and I had a really painful pinched nerve in my neck for several days. I called and she was so accommodating to get me in right away. As soon as she started working on my neck the pain was instantly gone! She is very talented and also very concerned about your comfort level during the massage. I plan to continue to get massages through the rest of my pregnancy and after I deliver."
-Sunnee G. (Aug 2014)

Thai Massage

"Good morning! I slept like a baby last night. My body felt so good. I had forgotten how great it feels to stretch.Thank you so much. You are wonderful."
-Tess N. (Jan. 2015)


"I want to thank you for helping me with my headaches. It has been a month now that I haven't had a single migraine. Thank you :)"
-Susana Z. (March 2015)
<![CDATA[Exercise in Everyday Movement]]>Wed, 03 Oct 2018 16:02:42 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/exercise-in-everyday-movementBusy or Lazy?
Call me busy and multi-tasker. Or call me lazy. Either way, I admit that I have rarely included an exercise regimen in my life. I will go through spurts of time when I walk, bike, do yoga or pilates, but I rarely last beyond a week or two. It's easy to find excuses not to fit in the half hour to exercise every day.

To counter-balance my excuses I justify my lack of exercise by telling myself that I include exercise in my everyday life. I use my bike as transportation. I run up and down the stairs to get supplies from the storage room. I don't look for the closest parking stall. I garden. I clean my  house. And I add extra movement into my every day life.

Move - It is Good for You!

I am constantly studying about the body to help me be a better massage therapist. There is a lot of research showing that movement is healing. We don't need to be a tri-athlete to be healthy. We simply need to move more! When we move, lymph flow and circulation increase, fascial adhesions are prevented or decreased, muscles are strengthened, and many other benefits.

In future posts I will share simple ways that I add movement into my life. Please share with me how you fit movement into your life!

Brushing Teeth

Do a yoga pose while you brush your teeth!
Silly but simple - when I brush my teeth, I do a yoga pose. Usually tree pose. I read somewhere that balancing on one foot is good for your brain. Who knows if it's true, but I figure that while I brush my teeth I may as well ward off Alzheimer's at the same time.

<![CDATA[Weed Water]]>Tue, 25 Sep 2018 15:45:22 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/weed-water
We drink "weed water," as my husband likes to call it. 

Since we don't live in Iceland and have access to pure wonderfully tasting water, we filter our water (shout out to our Clearly Filtered water filter!). We've become water snobs and even travel with our filter now. I don't like all the chemical taste in our tap water, and it grosses me out to think of the many contaminates you can't even taste.
To help our bodies absorb and use water more effectively, it is good to add something to your water - a pinch of salt, a squeeze of lemon juice, or our favorite, some herbs. I can't remember, let alone repeat, all the chemical and physical reasons why this is a better way to drink water. You can research it.

​​We grow and dry a lot of herbs in our garden, but our favorite in drinks is peppermint and lemongrass. Sometimes we boil the water and add the herbs, then drink it hot (hot herbal teas in the cold winter months are our favorite), or pour it into pitcher  and put in the fridge for a cold refreshing drink. Often, however, I skip the boiling step and just infuse the herbs in the water, leaving them in there for days - hence why my husband calls it "weed water." 

I've been doing this for years, but recently my husband has become a "convert" to drinking "dirty water." Try it - you might like it also!
<![CDATA[How Soon Can I Receive A Massage After An Injury?]]>Mon, 10 Sep 2018 23:21:55 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/how-soon-can-i-receive-a-massage-after-an-injury​I am often asked how soon after an injury can one receive a massage. If the injury is soft-tissue related, with a skilled massage therapist, you can receive treatment immediately. Depending on the injury, the massage may be brief and light touch. Often return visits will be beneficial and the massage may change in length and depth.

From personal experience and from observing my clients, the sooner you receive a massage, the quicker and better the healing. Often just a few minutes of treatment can yield relief. 

Back Pain - Quick Relief!

A testimonial from one of my regular clients:
Heidi came to my  rescue last Friday. At 2am on Friday morning I was awakened by severe back pain. I was unable to get an appointment with my physician that day, but was told to take a prescription of prednisone for a week. Then my physician failed to send the electronic prescription to the pharmacy and I didn’t find out about it until after the physician’s office was closed for the weekend. I called the physician’s answering service, but they couldn’t get the on call physician to respond. As a result, I received no help from my physician and was left to experience continued severe pain over the weekend. 

I decided to call Heidi and see if she could find time to massage this painful area of my back. It was Friday evening and Heidi had family visiting her home from out of town. Heidi was very empathetic and responsive to my needs. She had me come immediately for a back massage. She massaged my back for only about 15 minutes. I experienced almost instant pain relief. I went home from the massage and fell asleep. The pain was gone and hasn’t returned. 

Heidi’s willingness to quickly respond and her expertise rescued me from having to continue suffering in severe pain. She is a hero health care provider.

​-Russ H. (June 2018)
<![CDATA[Frequently Asked Questions]]>Mon, 10 Sep 2018 07:00:00 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/frequently-asked-questionsNever received a massage before? Visiting a new therapist and not sure what to expect? Ask questions beforehand to lesson your anxiety! 


Here are some questions I am frequently asked. Many answers are general, but some are specific to what you can expect as you receive a massage from me.
​What are the benefits of massage?

Are there any medical conditions that are contraindicated for massage?
How soon after an injury can I receive a massage?
Must I be completely undressed?
Will the massage therapist be present if I undress?
Will I be covered during the massage?
Where will my massage take place?
What parts of my body will be massaged?
What will the massage feel like?
Are there different kinds of massages?
What type of oil or lotion will be used?
What if I am ticklish?
Will the massage hurt?
What should I do during the massage?
How will I feel after the massage? 
What should I do after the massage?
If I came in with a problem, will I feel better after the massage?
How soon after an injury can I receive a massage?
When should I return? How often should I receive massages?

Questions About Who Can Receive a Massage

What are the benefits of massage? 
Massage can help release chronic tension and pain, improve circulation, increase joint flexibility, reduce mental and physical fatigue and stress, promote faster healing of injured tissue, improve posture, and reduce blood pressure. Massage is also known to promote better sleep, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and create an overall sense of well-being. Refer to the "Benefits" page for even more reasons to receive a massage.

Are there any medical conditions that are contraindicated for massage? 
Yes there are contraindications like a fever, contagious disease, or a cardiovascular condition. Massage can be adapted for most medical problems, and in fact help with healing. Inform your therapist of any health problems or medications which you are taking. If you are under a doctor's care, consult with him/her prior to receiving a massage. You should fill out a client intake form before your first session. Include any health concerns and discuss them with your therapist. If something changes between subsequent visits, let your therapist know. ​

How soon after an injury can I receive a massage?
If the injury is soft-tissue related, with a skilled massage therapist, you can receive treatment immediately. Depending on the injury, the massage may be brief and light touch. Often return visits will be beneficial and the massage may change in length and depth. Read more about this.

Questions About What to Wear

Must I be completely undressed? 
No, not necessarily. Many massages can be performed with clothing on, but some techniques are more effective if the massage therapist can work directly on the skin, which is easier if the client is undressed. You should undress to your comfort level. If that means keeping some of your clothing on, the therapist will work around it. But if you undress, know that you will always be properly covered during the entire massage session.

Will the massage therapist be present if I undress? 
No. The therapist will leave the room while you undress. You will then lay on the table under a sheet and blanket.

Will I be covered during the massage? 
You will be properly draped at all times to keep you covered, warm, and comfortable. Only the part of your body being worked on will be exposed. 

Questions About What to Expect During a Massage

Where will my massage take place? 
In a warm, comfortable, and quiet room.

What parts of my body will be massaged? 
It depends on your needs and comfort level. If your visit is for therapeutic purposes, your massage may be focused on only the area needing attention. If your visit is for a full-body session, the therapist will include work on your back, arms, hands, legs, feet, abdomen, shoulders, neck, and head. If there is a part of the body you do not want massaged, let the therapist know. Your private areas will never be touched.

What will the massage feel like?
It depends on the reason you are receiving a massage. Some massages are very light-touch and others are deeper. When people think of a massage, they often think of a relaxing Swedish massage. In a general Swedish massage, your session may start with broad, flowing strokes that will help calm your nervous system and relax exterior muscle tension. As your body becomes relaxed, pressure will gradually be increased to relax specific areas and relieve areas of muscular tension. If you are receiving a different type of massage, ask your therapist what to expect. You should communicate immediately if you feel any discomfort so that another approach may be taken.

Are there different kinds of massages? 
Yes! There are hundreds of different types of massages. Refer to the"Techniques" page to better understand the modalities in which I am trained. You can request a specific massage, but usually I will blend the different types of massages to fit your needs and comfort level.

What type of oil or lotion will be used?
It depends on the type of massage you are receiving and on your needs. In fact, with some types of massage no oil or lotion is required. I make my own lotion with the highest quality ingredients. Lotion or oil is used to allow the therapist to glide over your skin without friction. It also helps to hydrate your skin

What if I am ticklish?
Some people are ticklish to touch, but I will work with you to lessen the sensation and probably even avoid it. I utilize several techniques that have been successful in helping you to relax and enjoy your massage.

Will the massage hurt?
No, it should not. If you are receiving a therapeutic massage, there may be some discomfort, but if you are ever in pain, communicate that with the therapist. If your muscles are tightening up because of pain, it lessens the effect of the massage. If the therapist is working deeply, she should ease into the muscle and not force her way in.

What should I do during the massage?
Be comfortable. If you are receiving a therapeutic massage, communicate a lot with your therapist. If you are receiving a relaxing massage, the therapist will either gently move you or tell you what is needed throughout the session (such as lifting your arm). Many people just close their eyes and completely relax, communicating if/when they need more or less pressure, another blanket, or anything else relevant to the session. 

Questions About After a Massage

How will I feel after the massage? 
Most people feel very relaxed. Some experience freedom from long-term aches and pains developed from tension or repetitive activity. Occasionally your muscles may be a little sore for a few days afterwards, especially if your body has greater range of motion and muscles are being used in new ways. It should be the "good" kind of sore muscle from being used! After an initial period of feeling slowed down, people often experience increased energy, heightened awareness, and greater productivity which can last for days. Most people report that they sleep better after receiving a massage. 

What should I do after a massage?
Drink water. If you were given stretches by your therapist, physical therapist, or doctor, continue to do them. That will help reinforce the benefits of your massage. You can prolong the benefits by doing self-massage with a foam roller. Don't bruise or hurt yourself, but be gentle.

If I came in with a problem, will I feel better after the massage?
I hope so! But I don't know. Massage helps some problems immediately. Other problems require several visits with incremental improvement each time. Each person's body responds differently, so even if you have the same problem as someone else, I cannot say if you will respond in the same way. If nothing else, you should be relaxed, and it is in the relaxed parasympathetic mode which your body can heal itself.

When should I return? How often should I receive massages?
This depends on YOU - your needs, your time, your finances. Discuss with your therapist what they suggest, but know that you decide how frequently to receive a massage. I never know how a body will respond to a therapeutic massage, so I leave the decision of when to return up to the patient. Pay attention to your body and how it responds to massage.
<![CDATA[Correct Toes]]>Wed, 29 Aug 2018 19:20:19 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/correct-toesFor the past half year I have been regularly wearing Correct Toes and feel that my feet are healthier and I am more stable because of it. I came across an article that explains why my feet have been feeling so good. 

If you are interested in getting a pair of Correct Toes for yourself, contact me!

Read the article about the top 10 benefits Correct Toes toe spacers.
<![CDATA[Head Massage PLEASE!]]>Wed, 29 Aug 2018 19:12:02 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/head-massage-please
Head massages are my favorite! Many evenings my husband will give me a two-minute head rub and my whole body reeeelaaaaxeees! My friend shared this photo with me last year and I have been meaning to post it. I thought she was getting a head massage any way she could!
<![CDATA[World Bicycle Day]]>Wed, 27 Jun 2018 19:48:53 GMThttp://renewalmassageclinic.com/blog/world-bicycle-day
After biking, get a massage!
Biking is good for you and the world!
Use your muscles to transport yourself! And if you over-do it, come get a massage!

If you hadn’t heard, the United Nations recently designated June 3, 2018, as the inaugural World Bicycle Day. They declared the bicycle a simple, affordable, reliable, and environmentally friendly means of transportation. It is a symbol of sustainable transportation.

Here are a few health benefits to biking:
  • Improved mood and reduced stress. A small Canadian study published last year found that cycling to work can help get your day off to a better start, with those who commuted to work on their bike arriving in a better mood and with a lower level of stress than those who took the car.
  • It can help keep off extra weight. UK researchers who compared the daily modes of transport of nearly 150,000 participants found that cycling was one of the most effective forms of exercise for keeping trim and losing weight and was even more effective than walking.
  • A lower risk of heart disease. UK research published earlier this year found that cycling or walking to work could help cut the risk of developing or dying from cardiovascular disease (CVD) or stroke.
  • Reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes. A large-scale study carried out by the University of Southern Denmark found that cycling can help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes.
  • It is fun! And it is good for you and for our planet!
Bike and massage!
There are benefits to having a massage therapist ride behind you!