Michelle West
A Few Memories of Michelle
The past five and half years I have spent many hours with Michelle, going to religion and yoga class, discussing books, letting her use our sauna, and wonderful hours massaging her. I thought she had the most wonderful bald head! She did confirm that it is easy to care for. We continued to share ideas and dreams and she told me about the many sewing projects she had done over the years. She was most excited about the outfits she sewed for her granddaughter this past year. This morning, 30 January 2015, an army of ladies (and my husband) gathered at the West home to decorate and prepare for some of her kids to arrive from out of state. A few of us cleaned the downstairs. In the guest bedroom were scattered scraps of material, lots of thread, and pattern pieces. They were the remnants of Michelle’s last sewing project. We put it in bags and drawers, threw away the obvious trash, and vacuumed. Lowering the sewing machine into the table was a sacred moment for me. Here Michelle had labored alone. Here Michelle had let some of her many creative juices flow. Here Michelle had created love and many fond memories for her family. That was the moment I knew I was saying good-bye to my dear friend.
A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
And meeting again, after moments or lifetimes,
is certain for those who are friends.