For example, one client had restricted range of motion in his knees because of ACL surgeries nearly 30 years ago. After the first massage on his knees, specifically working with the scar tissue, he reported increase in his range of motion and less pain. He received several subsequent massages and noticed even more improvement.
Another client had a latissimus dorsi flap breast reconstruction surgery. The large scars on her back restricted the range of motion in her shoulders and caused lower back pain. After receiving several massages which targeted her scar tissue, she regained much of her range of motion in her shoulder joints and reported decreased pain in her back - enough that she slept much better and could begin exercising again. In a future blog post, I will present the case study I did on this client.
Explanation of Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release massage therapy can be used anywhere there are fascial restrictions, including scars. Myofascial work is done without lubrication and can include broad strokes, direct pressure, cross fiber friction, progressive ischemic pressure, and range of motion. The therapist grasps the tissue and moves the soft tissue, changing the consistency of the tissue and can create a more functional scar.
Explanation of Scar Tissue
Scars are fibrous connective tissue and can be formed for many different reasons, including a result of infection, surgery, injury, or inflammation of tissue. The connective tissue are laid down in random patterns. As they develop and mature, they pull on the surrounding tissue, increasing the area that is affected by the wound.
Not only are scars aesthetically unpleasant and cannot be made to disappear, scars can cause a restriction or decrease in movement, and potentially even affect internal organs.
There are four types of scar tissue:
- Contractures occur when a large area of the skin is damaged. The scar pulls the edges of the skin together, causing a tightness. The decrease in the size of the skin can affect muscles, joints, and tendons, causing a decrease in movement.
- Adhesions may form between unconnected internal organs as bands of scar-like tissue form inside the body between two surfaces, causing them to stick together. As a healthy body moves, tissues or organs inside are able to shift around each other. With time, an adhesion can form and become large or tight, causing an organ or body part to twist or be pulled out of position. The risk of forming adhesions is high after bowel or female organ surgeries. Other causes of adhesions include: endometriosis, infections, or radiation treatment. Adhesions may also occur around the joints after surgery, with certain types of arthritis, or with the overuse of a joint or tendon.
- Keloid scars are thick, rounded, irregular clusters of scar tissue that grow beyond the edges of the wound. They are often red or darker in color than the surrounding skin. Keloids are formed from collagen that the body produces after a wound has healed. They are more common in dark-skinned people.
- Hypertrophic scars are similar to keloid scars, however their growth is confined to the boundaries of the original wound. They may also appear red, but are usually thick and elevated. They usually begin to develop soon after the injury. They can improve naturally, although it may take up to a year or more.
try massage and feel the results!
Bayat, A., D. A. McGrouther, and M.W.J. Ferguson. "Skin Scarring." BMJ, 11 Jan. 2003. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.
"Fascial Therapy." -- American Massage Therapy Association. American Massage Therapy Association, 15 Nov. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2014.
Gammal, Anna, and Roger Olbrot. Myofascial Massage Therapy for the Lower Body.
"Scars." Department of Dermatology. Columbia University Medical Center. Web. 13 Feb. 2014.